New Bar in Town

I’ve never been one to enjoy bars, but the other night my son dragged me down to this new place called Zarsha Leo. Despite the strange name, the restaurant does have a certain kind of appeal. Zarsha Leo is based in New York City apparently, but they do a great job changing their style to […]

Anniversaries and Date Nights

So, Nina and I are celebrating our 42nd anniversary this weekend, and I’ve been waiting for some inspiration… I have several gift ideas, but still haven’t come up with the perfect date. I stumbled upon this list of affordable date night ideas, and while they may be too simple for my situation, I think they […]

Ancient Jewelry Making

I have never really studied the ancient art of jewelry making, but I recently heard about a new class down in New York and have to admit, I’m fascinated. I have a friend with some connections and am hoping to sit in on some of the new lessons. I wouldn’t participate, of course, but maybe […]

Some Inspiration for Matt

My grandson Matt  just moved to Manhattan and is struggling to get comfortable in his tiny studio apartment. Can’t say I blame him, I’d certainly have a hard time containing my whole life in one room. Plus, I need to be surrounded by nature in order to maintain my lifestyle. I’ve sent him William Shapell’s […]

Sedona and a Brilliant Sculpture

Recently, my wife and I had the privilege of vacationing in Sedona, Arizona. What a break from real life! While we were there, we took in an amazing art show called the Bell Rock Art Show held in the Village of Oak Creek outside of Sedona. The show was surrounded by the beautiful Red Rocks […]

An Ancient Egyptian Romance

While I was browsing through some articles about ancient art, I stumbled upon this romantic tale of two ancient Egyptian figurines. Depicting a husband and wife, the small statues were separated thousands of years ago- probably intentionally. The fragment of the wife shows a seated woman with her arm outstretched. Apparently, the style is traditional […]