Artisan Coffee Vermont Style

I just came across a really neat website called “Vermont Artisan Coffee and Tea Company.” Regular readers know that I love to wax poetic about all things Vermont, and now I’ve found something new. Visitors to the website are treated to an easy way to shop for globally sourced and locally roasted “fresh-to-order” coffees; and […]

Spring Has Sprung on Dog Mountain

If you have been following my blog then you know what a harsh winter we have had here in Vermont. I am happy to report that we are finally thawing out, and so Nina and I, and of course Conan, have also been venturing further than the woodshed to grad yet another piece of firewood […]

Safari Bound?

This year’s winter has been incredibly persistent, and while Nina and I would like to believe spring is really on its way, we find ourselves desperate for a sunny getaway. We have already had a few island vacations, including to Hawaii, Bonaire and the Maldives, so I’m hoping for something different this time… Like Africa. […]

Nature Photography at Its Best

I know this has been circling online for a while now, but I somehow only came across it recently…. These photographs are amazing! I am truly inspired… What stunning scenery, and what an amazing place to raise children. Which photo is your favorite? I love the ones with the dog, and the springtime scenery with […]

Tree Branch Decor

The weather has certainly made it difficult to function here in Vermont, but Nina, Conan and I are managing. It’s a good thing we have so much firewood collected in the garage! Nina has been baking up a storm, and I think we have nearly enough muffins to feed the entire state. Conan loved the […]

Carol Duvall Holiday Craft Ideas

Does anybody else miss this show? Nina and I used to watch it religiously… Now that the holidays are upon us, it is certainly worth sharing! Nina loves to decorate our house before our grandkids show up, and she uses quite a few of the projects presented in this episode with Carol Duvall and Cindy […]

Women and Ancient Cave Art

Isn’t this fascinating? According to a recent discovery in Europe, women were much more involved in ancient cave art. In fact, Ancient cave paintings in the region were more often the handiwork of women as opposed to men. “An anthropologist at Pennsylvania State University found that three quarters of hand stencils drawn on several caves […]

Vermont’s Cheesemakers

I grew up near a farm, and was often invited to taste my neighbor’s homemade cheeses. I have been something of a cheese fanatic ever since. A national cheese contest just named some of Vermont’s cheesemakers the best in the business, including Jasper Hill Farm. Here is a full article from BurlingtonFreePress: Nina and […]

Bob Milne is Coming to Vermont

Nina and I are looking forward to A Night of Ragtime & Boogie- Woogie at Arkell Pavilion this summer. Bob Milne is coming to town on August 16th in collaboration with the Southern Vermont Art Center, and we already bought our tickets. He is undoubtedly one of the best concert pianists in the world and […]

The American Quilt Evolution

Nina and I just went down to visit the new ‘Beyond the Bed: The American Quilt Evolution’ exhibit at the Katonah Museum. The different styles, techniques and designs were fascinating and beautiful. My favorite was Fraser Smith’s trompe l’oeil “30”, carved from basswood. The cloth-like detail was breathtaking. Guess what Nina’s newest hobby is? Yep- […]