Women and Ancient Cave Art

Isn’t this fascinating? According to a recent discovery in Europe, women were much more involved in ancient cave art. In fact, Ancient cave paintings in the region were more often the handiwork of women as opposed to men. “An anthropologist at Pennsylvania State University found that three quarters of hand stencils drawn on several caves […]

Vermont’s Cheesemakers

I grew up near a farm, and was often invited to taste my neighbor’s homemade cheeses. I have been something of a cheese fanatic ever since. A national cheese contest just named some of Vermont’s cheesemakers the best in the business, including Jasper Hill Farm. Here is a full article from BurlingtonFreePress: http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/article/20130806/LIVING06/308050015/Vermont-cheesemakers-take-top-prizes-national-contest Nina and […]

Bob Milne is Coming to Vermont

Nina and I are looking forward to A Night of Ragtime & Boogie- Woogie at Arkell Pavilion this summer. Bob Milne is coming to town on August 16th in collaboration with the Southern Vermont Art Center, and we already bought our tickets. He is undoubtedly one of the best concert pianists in the world and […]

The American Quilt Evolution

Nina and I just went down to visit the new ‘Beyond the Bed: The American Quilt Evolution’ exhibit at the Katonah Museum. The different styles, techniques and designs were fascinating and beautiful. My favorite was Fraser Smith’s trompe l’oeil “30”, carved from basswood. The cloth-like detail was breathtaking. Guess what Nina’s newest hobby is? Yep- […]

New Bar in Town

I’ve never been one to enjoy bars, but the other night my son dragged me down to this new place called Zarsha Leo. Despite the strange name, the restaurant does have a certain kind of appeal. Zarsha Leo is based in New York City apparently, but they do a great job changing their style to […]

Anniversaries and Date Nights

So, Nina and I are celebrating our 42nd anniversary this weekend, and I’ve been waiting for some inspiration… I have several gift ideas, but still haven’t come up with the perfect date. I stumbled upon this list of affordable date night ideas, and while they may be too simple for my situation, I think they […]

Ancient Jewelry Making

I have never really studied the ancient art of jewelry making, but I recently heard about a new class down in New York and have to admit, I’m fascinated. I have a friend with some connections and am hoping to sit in on some of the new lessons. I wouldn’t participate, of course, but maybe […]